Prom Promise

Prom is a milestone in the life of many teenagers. Unfortunately, the risk of drinking alcohol or using other substances increases during this event.

Prom Promise Medium

Facts about Prom:

  • According to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA), approximately 300 teens had died in alcohol-related traffic accidents during prom weekends over the past several years.
  • Statistics show that roughly one-third of alcohol-related teen traffic fatalities occur between April and June, the peak of prom and graduation season.
  • 30% of high school teens report it's likely they or their friends will be under the influence of drugs or alcohol sometime during prom or graduation season.

Parent/Caregiver Tips: Encouraging safe celebrations

  • Have multiple, honest conversation about alcohol and drug use
  • Talk about after-prom plans
  • Know what's in your house if your teens have access to alcohol
  • Talk about car safety and what to do if the driver is impaired

Prom Promise Photos